Saturday, June 28, 2008

Culebra, Puerto Rico to Brenner Bay, St. Thomas, USVI

We have been unable to update our blog for the last three weeks. Partly because we were out of range of internet access, and then because both our computers crashed! Once we arrived in St. Kitts, West Indies, we were able to have them repaired. So now we begin our updates since we left off in Isla de Culebra, Puerto Rico.

Our last entry indicated that we would be going to St. Martin the next day. It should have said we were headed to St. Thomas! Lots of saints around here, and I sometimes mix them up...

Anyway, we hoisted the anchor at 7:00am on Monday, June 9th, and made a short 28 mile run to Brenner Bay, St. Thomas, USVI. We dropped anchor around 10:30am, after a very smooth passage. The reason for the short run, was that I wanted to obtain 15 gallons of motor oil to replace that which I had used in changing the oil in our engines June 5th. At the same time, we needed to offload the used oil for proper disposal. We were able to accomplish this, and spent an easy night anchored out in Brenner Bay.

The next day, we started for the British Virgin Islands.

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