Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Playtime at Cooper Jack Boat Basin

Our chores done, we thought it might be fun to take a few pictures of this unique anchorage, and its approach channel, just to give you a sense of where we are spending some time. This basin is designed to eventually become a full-service marina, with lots of dock space for boats of all kinds. At the moment, all that is here is the dredged basin, lined ¾ around with concrete bulwarks. Docks will eventually be attached jutting out into the basin. With no buildings or plantings of any kind, the place looks more like a barren moonscape. But a more protected small harbour one could not find anywhere.

View of Cooper Jack Rock from the entrance channel to the marina basin.

View just inside the entrance channel from the bay. KINGDOM is tucked away in the harbour.

Nobody here but KINGDOM

At the moment, we are the only boat in the basin, so I decided to take the Zodiac for a high-speed run, so Susan could get a few shots of it and what it can do. This thing can fly! Believe it or not, I’m only running at about half-throttle, and it is up on plane and skipping over the water with only the last quarter of the boat actually touching the water’s surface. With its 25-horse Yamaha outboard motor, the boat will still plane nicely fully loaded with gear and four people aboard.

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